• hello. My name is maiden AKA sexualbands

    I am to be considered a "new" name here and those who have worked with me in the past know that this is a business oriented framework and that those who want the service - will recieve such service. As I become more reputable I will start releasing more and more sauce as my clients come by. This is for those interested in actually grinding, that is why you're here isn't it?

    I'm working on retaining a business and I expect the same from everybody reaching out. This community is in reguards to those who are grinding to be financially free. Whether it's investing, money circulation, government, bets, parlays, it's rlly whatever bc we all have one goal in mind. I'm always open to questions but don't waste my time. I'm not a ham nor do I ever plan to exit scam or backdoor, I'm building my name and that's all I'll ever do. No bs just growth.


  • 📣📣📣


    where do I make purchases??

    >TELE: maiden's tele channel 

    accepting Bitcoin Zelle Venmo Apple Pay Google Pay 

    >Clear Web Shop: themaidenshop (only accepts btc as of now)


    MY only tele handle is @sexualbands 


    check out the menu, see what ur interested and *hit me* for wtv yk i got it *@sexualbands*

    a bit of reading yes i know, i'm just making sure u folks are in the loop



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    Everything distributed by me will be a detailed Walkthrough/Guide and is priceless knowledge if...